Author: José Arias, Pepín.
Cover, back cover: Teisa Serra.
Illustrations: Teisa Serra, Blanca Ramírez and Arturo Soria.
Translations: Laurence Quinn and Miguel García Tamés
Description: These nineteen stories are a collection of tales written by a storyteller to be told at different ages: from three years old to adults. They are inspired by different places in the world and animals, ecology and music are the main characters.
Contents: The shearwater Mariela (Lanzarote), The night of the two moons (Mallorca), The cotton sheep, I am a grain of wheat, The salmon Ramon (Asturias), The hen Freedom, The didgeridoo (Australia), The grandfather (China), The dance and the world (The Earth), Djembe Fola (Guinea Conakry), El alma india (North America), El alma curiosa (Lanzarote), El alma del músico (La Palma), El niño de colores (Asturias), El cajón flamenco (Peru), Los zapatos (Turkey), La mariposa de metal, Fuego en la noche, Pequeño o mayor?
Edition, gender and recommended age: 2ª Ed. 2020, Joseariaspepin.blogspot.com, Tales, 3-99 years.
Size and pages: A5, 56.
Printing and binding: Color cover and black cover, black and white interior, soft cover and simple stapling.
Printing and binding: Color cover and black cover, black and white interior, soft cover and simple stapling.
Original language: Spanish.
The ready-to-print books are sent by email or the printed ones by post. If you are interested in any of the titles, please contact me at jariasr@gmail.com for available formats and prices.