GOMERA FLAMENCO TRIO - Live Session (2019)

DESCRIPTION: First album of the band from La Gomera that combines flamenco with different styles such as bossa nova, funky, etc.


1. Cardo morao (Cana)............................ 5:19
2. Bandera blanca (Ulises Arturo).............. 6:38
3. Está en uno (Cana).............................. 4:11
4. Cueva del viento (Ulises Arturo)............. 3:43
5. Rumor (Cover Triana)............................ 4:25
6. Yo solo (Cover Ray Heredia)................... 5:05
7. Tres notas (Cover Vicente Amigo)............ 6:46
8. No estamos lokos (Cover Ketama)........... 6:13
9. Luminosa mañana (Cover Triana)............ 5:05
10.Si tu te vas (Cover Pata Negra).............. 4:38

DURACION TOTAL....................................50:00


Guitar and voice: Cana 
Guitar: Arturo Ulises
Percussions: José Arias Pepín

RECORDING AND MASTERING: Frank y Cana, Casa La música, La Gomera, 2019.

FORMATS: CD (wav) or downloadable files (wav, mp3).

You can see the videoclip of Gomera Flamenco Trio "2019 Germany Tour" in which sounds the first track of the album "Cardo morao"(Cana): https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=564924167658265

The wav or mp3 files are sent by e-mail and the cd by postIf you are interested in any of the titles, please contact me at jariasr@gmail.com for available formats and prices.