Title: Imaginario literario / Literary imaginarium.
Cover, back cover and illustrations: Blanca Ramírez Solana and Arturo Soria Pellicer.
Texts: José Arias, Pepín.

Description: When Blanca and Arturo heard someone reading my stories and proposed me to illustrate some, the surprise was pleasant. When I saw their work as drawers, the surprise was great. The illustrations suggested a lot of ways, their characters winked at me and I proposed to them to make a history of their drawings.
The initial idea was to make a story-picture, combining illustrations and micro-stories, and finally, in a cave on the island of La Gomera, twelve stories were born from twelve drawings, arranged as they were written. It was a great pleasure to immerse in these fantastic worlds, to become intimate with the lovely characters and to let the stories create themselves. Thank you for inviting us to dream. - José Arias "Pepín"

Contents: Presentation, The Lamp, Avejara and Ajestruz, The Forest Antelope and the Bird Woman, The Transmitter of Dreams, The Oracle, The Embrace, The Symbol, The End of the World, Xana and Tirik, The Protector of Flight, Julita Smokes, The Three Kingdoms, About the Authors.
Edition, year and genre: Imaginario psicotropical Fb and, 2018, graphic novel.

Size, format and pages: A4, paperback, stapled, 36. 
Printed on: herbal paper, 100% recycled and respectful of mother earth.
Languages: Spanish and English (bilingual book).
Translation into English: Michaela Tucker and Miguel García Tamés.

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